We are happy to announce that Point Performance is reopening for in-office patient appointments. Since the Maryland stay-home order was amended on May 6th, we have been working diligently to implement expanded infection control protocols to ensure the safety of our patients and team members. While we have been meeting with you remotely through telehealth appointments over the last two months, we are excited to be able to reintroduce in-office patient appointments.We want to assure you that this a controlled, limited opening with all precautions in place to safeguard your health. We have implemented specialized protocols for bringing patients safely back into our clinic. Our Patients:
- Pre-appointment confirmation calls to assess any changes in your health
- In-Your-Car waiting to maintain proper social distancing between patients
- Requirement of all patients to wear their own masks while in the clinic
- Hand sanitization use for all patients before entering the clinic
- Fever check for all patients with touch-less thermometer
- COVID-19 screening and health questionnaire for all patients before entering clinic
- Minimization of the number of family members or friends accompanying you to your visit – only patients are allowed entry into the clinic
- One-on-one appointments in private treatment rooms for 45-minute appointments
- New scheduling protocols to allow safe social distancing between each patient and to limit exposure
- Writing pens control – You may bring your own pen if you wish to use for any forms completion or use ours (yours to keep)
Our Staff:
- Daily health assessments and temperature checks at beginning of the day
- Full personal protection equipment for all team members including masks, gloves and draping
- Mask worn by all team members at all times
- Ongoing training on OSHA and infection control protocol
- Modified schedules to limit staff numbers in the office at any one time
Our Clinic:
- Continuous and thorough disinfection of ALL surfaces in the treatment rooms, gyms, common spaces and bathrooms
- Registration computer outside of office with proper barrier
- Efficient front desk check-in, check-out and payment processing for minimal contact
- Separate entrance and exit doors
As we begin a new phase in patient care, your safety remains our number one priority. Please feel free to reach out with any other questions or concerns. If you are interested in making an in-office appointment:
- The first step is for you to be in touch with our front desk: 301-493-8884
- After that we can discuss scheduling directly by email or phone
We are still offering telehealth appointments. Please contact your provider directly to set up those appointments. Thank you. Stay safe and hope to see you again soon!
Yours in health, Point Performance Team